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tv   CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta  CNN  February 19, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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newsroom." i'm jim acosta in walk. president biden heads to poland
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tomorrow almost one year to the date of russia's invasion full-blown invasion of ukraine. the president pledging uncavering u.s. support for ukraine and nato allies and it comes after the u.s. sent an unmistakable message to two an tag nifts at the u.n. security council. vice president kamala harris accused of the wrussia of the wr and talk about the trip the president will take. very important and coming at a time when the world is marking this one-year anniversary, if you want to call it that, one year since this full bloen rus blown invasion of ukraine and one russian president vladimir putin wouldn't have predicted. the president ushered much of the aid to ukraine. >> reporter: and warning of a potential russian offensive in
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the next weeks or months. crucial moment, you laid out. president biden headed to poland tomorrow reinforcing support among allies and make it clear they still stand by ukraine and will be providing as they have been humanitarian and security assistance. on that schedule he is expected to meet with polish president as well as the eastern flank of nato allies. we got a little sense of what poland is expecting in remarks by the polish prime minister. take a listen. >> we have to change the paradigm and we have to say ukraine must win and russia must be defeated, and i believe that the words of president biden will reassure all europe that the united states is with us in this fight for freedom and peace. >> reporter: now, president biden will be delivering remarks during his trip to poland. those remarks officials say will be intended for the american people, the world and also russia. we got a sense of the tone the
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administration is already taking days away from that one-year anniversary when vice president k kamala harris spoke. anticipate more as they crack down on russia making clear they are rallying around ukraine. jim? >> all right, priscilla, thank you very much. russia ambassador to the u.s. says washington is accusing moscow against crimes of humanity to escalate the war in ukraine. this afternoon secretary antony blink be and vice president kamala harris spoke out. >> we have examine d the evidence. we know the legal standards. and there is no doubt these are
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crimes against humanity. >> joining me now, rebecca hamilton with the international crim court and professor at an international law university. rebecca, thanks for joining us. biz bizarre, what else are russians going to say, but they would quarrel given evidence the entire world has seen? i remember scenes playing ow ot, you could see evidence and proof. >> not a surprise russia is trying to defend and refute. as you say, the evidence is very clear, and this recent determination of crimes against humanity comes after a very thorough review of the facts and evidence by the u.s. government. >> and what is the distinction?
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i mean, when the vice president goes out there, i mean, i know from covering the obama-biden administration not going out willy-nilly and use terms like that. a lot of thought must have gone into that kind of a declaration from the vice president? >> exactly. we are talking about crimes like murder, torture, rape, deportation. but what is characteristic about crimes against humanity, makes it a crime against humanity is that it is part of a widespread and systematic attack against a civilian population. >> and russian state media quotes russia's ambassador to the u.s. saying he accuses the united states of turning a "blind eye" to the atrocities of the zelenskyy regime against russian troops. obviously more propaganda coming out of the russian government. what do you make of all that? >> i mean t, it is. there is overwhelming evidence the bulk of crimes committed in
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ukraine are committed by russian forces. the international criminal court has juice dicrisdiction over th happening on the border of ukraine and that jurisdiction is open to look at any crimes by any party. if there were genuine allegations of crimes committed by ukrainian soldiers it could investigate that, but every piece of evidence that we've seen to date suggests that the bulk of the crimes are being committed by russian forces. >> you've worked as a prosecutor at the international criminal court. what are the odds of seeing any russians including high-level russian officials held accountable for what has taken place in ukraine? >> there is no doubt in my mind that we are going to seek some level of accountability. the only question is how much and how high up will it go in terms of russian leadership. so the international court has been investigating for months
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gathering evidence, building the cases. we will see those prosecution start to go forward and in addition, in this situation, and perhaps unlike atrocities we see in syria or in yemen, here we have the ukrainian government itself very keen to see accountability for what has happened to its citizens. the ukraine government and ukrainian prosecutors are also building cases. so, really it is a question of, will there be enough prosecutorial resources between both the domestic and the international for the scale of crimes that we've seen committed, and obviously it's going to be much harder to get sitting russian officials, like putin, inthe-but when we look back at the hadstry, it takes time but eventually see these lea
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leaders, seeking justice. no doubt in my mind. interesting and important to note about this charge of crimes against humanity, part of this widespread and systematic attack against a civilian population, the prosecutors will be working to link it back to russian policies, that at end of the day all lead back to putin. >> all right. rebecca hamilton, thank you very much for your expertise and insights. appreciate it. >> thank you. much of the world is following former president jimmy carter and the sad news about his declining health. the 98-year-old former president now on home hospice care and will refuse further medical treatment. cnn's reporter in plains, georgia, carter's home town. isabelle, president biden issued a statement sending support to jimmy and rosalynn carter. what else did he say? >> reporter: jim, yeah. president biden has been staying in close contact with the carter family and now in the last hour
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put out a statement about the carter family and what he says, to our friends jimmy and rosalynn and to their family, jill and i are with you in prayer and send you our love. we admire you for the strength and humility you have shown in difficult times. may you continue your journey with grace and dignity and god grant you peace. jim, i'm standing right now on main street, and really anywhere that you look around here, there is a piece of jimmy carter history. right behind me, around the corner, was the home of rosalynn. this road named after her. rosalynn carter trail, and right over here. take a look at this. carter's warehouse. where his father sold and operated an owned this peanut industry. you can see that today, still selling all sorts of peanut butter ice cream and treats here. so every which way you look you will see either the face,
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imagery or name of jimmy carter. this hospice news comes four and a half news after jimmy carter celebrated his 98th birthday and we have video of the celebration weekend beforehand taking out in a ford red convertible driven by secret service waving out to the crowds from the car. this is during the plains annual peanut festival. and this may have been one of his last public appearances here in plains. of course, the news of carter's, the carter family preparing for jpy's end of life here is rocking this community. >> i want to not believe it, but the reality of the situation is, i must believe it. but he will always be here. he's being buried in plains. not in his library in atlanta. what does that tell me? this is home, and he wants to ensure plains will always be
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successful and have a good foundation. >> reporter: and carter, jimmy carter is a man of deem faith. the same chunk where he taught sunday school until he couldn't anymore because of health problems are praying for him. and his family as well. jim? >> thank you very much. we'll all be thinking about the carter family during this next stage of his life. appreciate it. meantime, hollywood is mourning a beloved comedian and actor richard belzer, passed away. belzer known best for playing detecti ive john munch in sever shows. eric garner confirmed he passed away peacefully earlier at his home in france saying he dealt with lots of health issues. so many tributes coming in on social media. seeing all of this coming into my feed this afternoon, because so many people out there in this
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country, around the world, who love richard belzer. he was 78 years ogs. old. a shocking story one that takes more than a year and goes from nearly one end of the country to the next. that's next. plus i'll talk to the father of a slain journalist whose murder was screened online live about his fight to hold internet companies responsible for the content that was posted and suggested on their sites. later, he was a guest judge on "shark tank." harvard expert matt higgins if he thinks worst of the economy we've been dealing with is behind us. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." to help pr event a backup. because rid-x is scientifically proven to break down septic waste. guaranteed. ( sfx: toilet flush ) get your together with rid-x.
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and took it. polo sandoval joins me. remarkable story and escape. >> reporter: absolutely. held against her will nearly 12 months and saw an opportunity to escape and seized it. it was a dramatic end to what police describe as a nearly year-long cross-country kidnapping. the woman seen running into this new jersey service station in early february escaping her suspected captor close behind later identified jame perillo jr. the couple met last february and the woman says she agreed to give prill o perillo a rise to . made their way to california and the relationship took a violent turn where perillo physically assaulted the woman tooking a way her phone and debit cards and eventually made their way cross-country in what new jersey state police describe as a year-long nightmare.
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cameras inside the store shoppes the woman dead locking the door. >> screaming, i've been kidnapped. >> reporter: owner of the service station remembers the frantic look of the woman desperate to get away. >> really scared like she was really scared. looking at the back wall in the office thinking that he's going to come through the back door or break through to come in. i told her, reassured her, you're fine. you're safe. the door's locked. nobody coming in pand police on their way. kept repeating he's kept me against my will. eventually the state troopers did get there. >> reporter: new jersey state police are looking into the possibility perillo may have held other women against their will in the past. already charge wdy kidnapping and assault and aggravation with what police say was a heroic escape. the suspect is behind bars, investigation very much yongoin
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aare the to be to authorities trying to make contact with people that possibly knew him. as we mentioned believe it wasn't the first and only time. meanwhile cnn reached out to his attorney and not immediately heard back yet. jim? >> all right. polo sandoval. thank you. a murder investigation underway in los angeles after a cac lick bishop was found shot to death. bishop david o'connell served in the l.a. area 45 years. the archbishop says he was a peacemaker with a heart for the poor and immigrants. his killing, one of several incidents of gun violence across the u.s. this past weekend. national correspondent tracking the story, camilla, shocking, must be sending shock waves across l.a. there are just so many folks i'm sure just love this bishop. >> reporter: absolutely. talking to catholics here in los angeles who say they are in shock, because they were very
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devoted to this bishop who they say was a man of prayer, who was constantly seen praying for his community. authorities here saying that they believe this bishop was shot in the upper part of his torso. he was found at a home here in los angeles, but they have not found the person responsible for all of this. so the l.a. county sheriff's department saying they are still looking for the person that pulled the trigger. all of this while the community here is in mourning and really just, it is something that they cannot believe happened to their bishop. now, another community in mourning, but in philadelphia. authorities there saying that a university police officer at temple university was also shot and killed. he was trying to stop a robbery and that's when he was killed, but in this case, they have been able to find the person responsible, they say it's an 18-year-old who has now been charged with murder.
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another shocking incident involving guns, happening in columbus, georgia. authorities there saying that nine children were injured. there was a party, and these minors went to a gas station nearby pap confrontation a fight. nine injured ranges in ages 5 to 17. authorities in columbus, georgia, trying to piece together exactly what happened, and who was responsible for shooting. so far not able to figure that out. finally, one of the latest shootings happening this morning at around 12:45 local time in memphis, tennessee. authorities saying two separate shootings and believe a total of ten injured at least one killed in that case. also still looking for the suspect for the person responsible of this shooting. again, multiple shootings from coast to coast, and in many of
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them police and authorities still trying to figure out who did it and why all of this happened. jim? >> something we go through just about every weekend on this program. going through these terrible mass shootings that are just an epidemic across this country. camilla, thank you very much. a big case coming up this week for the supreme court to tell you ab's it could transform the internet. talk about that coming up. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." . ♪ finally we can eat. ♪ you k know you make me wanna...♪ and then we looked around andnd said, wait a minute, this isn't even our stroller! (laughing) you live with your parents, but you own a house in the metaverse? mhm. cool...i don't get it. here's to getting financially ready for anything! and here's to being single and ready to mingle. who's ready to cha-cha?! ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ join me in the finish 24 hour challenge. start by cooking a lasagna. skip the rinse and load your dishes. 24 hours later when your disasher is full,
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a case before the supreme court this week fundamentally reshaped the way you and i experience the internet. at issue, whether sites like
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youtube and facebook could be health liable for types of content algorithms recommend for users. a woman killed in an isis bterrr weak suing isis google promoting the terror group and content. heart of the case whether tech companies are protectioned by section 230 of the scenes answer about the saying websites can't be held responsible for content created and posted by parties. this is incredible perm for parker and those killed to 20 15 during a live interview by a disgruntled person. video can still be found online and people throughout virginia know this case all too well. she went to james madison university. my alma mater. been there lots of times and seen the impact your daughter has made at the school.
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just so special there on campus. andy, talk about this case. what's at stake, because i mean, this has big implications. >> thanks for having me, jim. yeah. it's going to be really big. and ultimately i think it's going to, we're going to be able to find out whether people like me and the gonzalez family and countless others will be able to hold google and facebook accountable through the legal system. s section 230 gives them complete immunity publish whatever, put if out there no consequences at all. in the early days, early on when that video of alison was out there they were even running ads, scrolling ads underneath the video of her murder. again, i -- told you this. told your audience this. never seen that video but had heard from people a flag video,
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like -- eric feinberg for coalition of safer web. so the gist of it is, we'll find out, hopefully by june whether we can take these guys to court. >> and why is it -- for viewers at home to understand this, why is it so hard to get these videos off the internet? why can't these companies just take them down? they're flagged, to these companies, and they just can't get rid of them. why is that? >> because they don't want to. because they make money from it. and i will refer back to francis hoggan, the facebook whistle-blower that testified before congress. she validated everything i've been saying the last seven years. that is these guys know how to do it, know how to remove the content and just don't want to do it because they make money from it. i can't abide by that. that's what gets me more than anything else is that they're making money and profiting from my daughter's murder.
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>> and you wrote an op-ed about this recenty saying policing of these videos like flagging and reporting them fallen to the families affected. so essentially families like you and your family. you have to police this and i know you don't look at the video but in other cases i assume others have looked at video of their loved ones tragically murder or killed in a mass shooting, something like that and they have to police this? go to these companies saying take that these videos down and relive the horror? >> yes. it's unconscionable. they shouldn't have to, having to be doing it. i shouldn't have to be doing it. eric feinberg or lenny posner shouldn't have to do this but that's what these companies require. if you do it, and they do remove something it's just arbitrary with what they decide to pull off and what they decide to leave up. and ultimately you're playing
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whack a mole. this has to stop and the only way that it will, i believe, is that if you eliminate the immunity offered by section 230. if enough people with legitimate claims, like i do and the gonzalez family do, if they can bring these folks to justice, that stuff will stop. you know? because they, they're not doing it, not doing what they're supposed to do and can do, because they don't have to. >> hands aren't forced to do it. you know, google says without its algorithms and protections of section 230 say the internet would devolve into a disorganized mess and a mine field. what's your response to that from google? >> listen, if there are legitimate claims and legitimate lawsuits, they're going to be heard. if they're frivolous they'll be kicked out just lie in any other industry.
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jim, i find it ironic that issues we face today, gun violence, which you alluded to in a previous segment there, between gun violence and social media, the only two industries in this country that are immune from any kind of liability are the gun industry and social media. i don't think there's a coincidence there that we have all of the troubles we have, and i believe that if we do, or people are allowed to put their, take their claims to court, it's going to stop them. it's going to -- you know, if they die 1,000 deaths, die by 1,000 cuts, then they will stop this practice, and fix it, because they can. >> have the money to do it. all they have to do is put together some folks and probably already have some of these folks who would have the duty of pulling these kinds of videos down.
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>> oh, sure. they do. they do, and, you know, i've been working on this now for seven years now, and you know, we filed with georgetown, with help of georgetown university law center, we filed complaints with the ftc against google and with facebook. and the ftc just -- you know, silent. all we hear is crickets. so they're not willing to act. congress either doesn't have the will or stomach to act but i find it ironic that with, you know, some of the congressmen, ted cruz and josh hawley, they, they want this thing fixed like i do, for different reasons. they think that these companies stifle conservative voice, which is not correct. but, listen, if i can have allies like that that would get something done in congress i'd sure take it, and who knows what the supreme court, very
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interesting to see with the dynamic there, because it's going to make interesting bedfellows, i think. >> all right. andy parker, always thinking about you and your family. and alison as well. always good to talk to you. thanks is for coming and and explaining to us. appreciate it. >> likewise. take care, you, too. all right. same time there's now renewed push by u.s. lawmakers to finally do something to help protect children against cyberbullying. a senate judiciary hearing this past week lawmakers from both parties lashed out at big tech companies. pleas gaining new urgency because of a cdc report showing teenagers especially girls are experiencing more violence, suicidal thoughts and mental health challenges as a result of what's taking place online. brianna keilar has more. >> this is my son carson with beautiful blue eyes and amazing smile. >> reporter: one of a growing number of parents who lost a child to cyber bull ig.
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her 16-year-old son carson died by suicide in 2020 after he was harassed on a snapchat integrated app that allowed users to send anonymous messages. >> i woke to the complete shock and horror that carson had hung himself in our garage while we slept. we discovered that carson had received nearly 100 negative harassing sexually explicit and humiliating messages including 40 in just one day. >> reporter: part of a group that testified on capitol hill about the dangers children face online. >> the constant exposure to unrealistic body standards and harmful recommended content led me towards disordered eating and severely damaged my sense of self, and there irene remained three years. mindlessly scrolling for five to six hours a day. >> reporter: the hearing comes just one week after president biden's call to action during his state of the union address.
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>> we must finally hold social media companies accountable for experimenting and running children for profit. >> reporter: ubiquitous of kids' lives and vehicle it provides getting renewed attention as the cdc's new report shows increase suicide in 2021 especially among girls. >> levels of poor mental health and suicidal thoughts and behaviors reported by teenage girls are higher than we've ever seen. >> reporter: the sorry of adriana kuch, a 14-year-old student in new jersey attacked by four other teenagers in her school's hallway stunned the nation. video of her attack posted to tiktok. her father said she died by suicide the following evening. >> getting hit in the face with a water bottle didn't hurt adriana, what hurt adriana, embarrassment and humiliation. they just kept coming at her.
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>> the social media platforms are operating in the days of the wild west. and anything goes. >> reporter: republican senator marsha blackburn and democrat richard blumenthal are reaching across the aisle to try to get legislation passed after it failed last year. >> protecting our children is not a partisan issue. >> i hope that outrage will finally be channeled into overcoming, here's the really important point, the armies of lobbyists and lawyers that big tech has mustered to counter and combat this legislation. no more. >> there is absolutely no way that any one parent can feasibly manage the fire hose of online harms that are being directed at our kids every day. we need help from the federal government, and we need it now. >> reporter: we see vulnerabilities in the numbers of the new cdc report.
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one in three american teenage girls saying they've considered attempting suicide. one in five gay or bisexual teens saying they have attempted in the year before surveyed. clearly at a crisis point gav nating a sometimes perilous online world. brianna keilar, cnn, washington. stories like charlie and the chocolate factory told kids for ages but characters could soon be very different. tell you why some of these transformations might be happening when "cnn newsroom" returns. the monster, the outlaw... and you can't forget abouout the boss. sometimemes- you just want to eat your heroes. the subway series. the greatest menu ofof all time. >> tech: need to get your windshield fixed? safelite makes it easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to u with a replacement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's servicon your time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ("this little light of mine") - [narrator] in the world's poorest places,
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(son reinflating slowly.) water slide? (son reinflates fully.) we can do it! (fully inflated - squeaks as arms wave.) ♪ go to your happy price ♪ ♪ priceline. ♪ (vo) businesses nationwide are switching to verizon business internet. (woman) it's a perfect fit for my small business. (vo) verizon has business internet solutions nationwide. (man) for our not-so-small business too. (vo) get internet that keeps your business ready for anything. from verizon. one of the famous characters in "charlie and the chocolate factory" is getting a makeover. new editions of the dolls and classic books rewritten in cases to take out language offensive such as fat, ugly or crazy. words quote/unquote used there. now judged by modern day sense acts beloved titles include "james and the giant peach," and
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others. joining us to talk about this. ceo of a human rights and free expression organization. suzanne, great to see you, as always. been a long time but great to catch up and talk about this subject. let me ask you this -- author salomon rushdie criticized changes to the books. your thoughts on the famous works being altered? >> i think it's a mistake. look, i think impulse here is probably a noble one. trying to protect kids from stereotyping and prevent kids being made to feel bad if they're overweight or other character risks that might be triggered by the books but in so going, kind of gone in and excised, nipped, tucked, added things. added gratuitous lines that were never wrote and just opens up, i
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think, a very problematic window for people exposed to go in and apply standards of today to rewrite traditional literature, and, look's people might agree with what the changes are to these books. some might agree, but think how that power might be misused? right now dealing with a crisis of book banning in this country, too try to ex-zeiss topics from our public recourse. if you opened literature insist those elements are scrubbed out, you could see all kinds of wholesale changes. this is just a door we ought not open. >> i want to ask you about some of the book bannings, stuff, in a moment, but i know, suzanne, you made the dhaumt ycomment, t might be missing a teachable moment with some books to say, yes. references made here that are insensitive to today's ears but reminds me of, really, reading
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mark twain growing up in high school. that sort of thing. obviously, you know, time's change, and we can reflect on literature and talk about that. >> yeah. absolutely. look, i think teachers have to be sensitive to the sensibilities who's in the classroom. much more diverse in many cases than it would have been 30 or 40 years ago's they need to consider how words land with different kids depending on backgrounds, but that can be done by conceptualizing, talking about it. letting people know, look, you'll hear a word here you're not accustomed to hearing may be offensive to you and here's the context it was written. not to say it was right then, but something that can be discussed and can be part of the pet gogi, we're all encounters offensive things going through life. part of the rolfe children's literature has always been to help us confront fears, that which is disturbing and explore them and come to grips with them
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so we're better prepared to move forward, and i think this notion that that can be scrubbed clean out of children's books is really wrong-headed. >> and speaking of scrubbing clean, i have to ask you. down in florida, a clash between governor ron desantis and the college board over ap african american studies classes, that continues. i know the college board expressed regret over its handling of this issue. what's your sense of this issue and where it's headed? this is going to be injected right into the presidential campaign, it seems. really already has. we're going to have this conversation. >> absolutely. look, florida has become kind of ground zero for the disputes over freedom of speech, and in the ap curriculum case, you've got to understand the backdrop here is this stop woke acts that was enacted in florida, championed by governor desantis, that lays out a whole set of discussions on issues of race that are banned from the
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classroom in florida. you can't talk about subjects that might make people feel guilty or that might invoke the notion that people are responsible for actions by their, people, their forbearers, by white people, you know, say, centuries ago. that those last to the present day. that these things are entrenched irreservably in our culture. outlawing those prings raises all the questions how you can teach a subject like ap african american history, which concepts may bump up against those strictures. look, college board and many credible scholars associated creating the curriculum are quite incentive this did not guide their decision-making. the thing about censorship, it's insidious. you may not even know consciously that you are writing something a certain way or leaving something out or adding something in.
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because of the power of that government censor. but it is unquestionable there. in this case they were communicating with the state of florida. well aware of this law. it's impossible, i think, for the public to sort of separate the outcome of this curriculum where certain concepts have been excised with the ins influence florida tried to wield and puts a whole important field of study for high school students under a cloud now. whether this voice is credible, ho you could you ever get to a credible course? given what the state of florida has done. it's a vivid reminder why no matter what you think about the classroom having to come to woke, if you believe things have gone too far, the answer cannot be government legislated mandates outlawing certain kinds of speech, ideas, viewpoints. that is a very dangerous direction that we've now taken. >> absolutely. i have a feeling we'll talk
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about this issue again. serm seems to be staying out there front and center for everybody in this upcoming campaign. suzanne, thanks so much. great to talk to you. >> thank you, jim. good to see you. >> all right. suzanne, great panamerica organization. and check this guy out. only been on an nba team for a hot minute. maybe less than that. now suddenly a slam dunk champ. we can all live vicariously through him. live to the nba all-star game next. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ get powered by innovation refunds can help your business get a payroll tax refund, even if you got ppp and it only takes eight mites to qualify. i went otheir website, uploaded everything, and i was blown away by what they could do.
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tonight, the best of the
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best in the nba are hitting in hardwood for the all-star game. team giannis versus team lebron. if the game is anything like what we saw in last night's slam dunk contest, we'll be in for a treat. andy joins us with some of the unbelievable footage that's come out of this all-star weekend in salt lake city. tell us more. >> reporter: yeah, jim. so we're just hours away from the big all-star game here in salt lake city. i'm at the big bleacher report event. they have a big concert to get the fans ready. you can even win tickets to go to the all-star game. so some fans will be leaving really happy. this is going to be the first year ever at an all-star game where they will hold the draft for the teams right before tipoff. you'll have lebron and giannis picking the teams, and the pressure is on for giannis. since they went to this format, lebron is a perfect 5-0 when
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picking an all-star team. so what does he have to do to end this streak? >> got to beat lebron to play against lebron. but i'm going to draft a really good team, people that will play hard and hopefully we can enjoy the game and take him down this time. >> reporter: yeah, our sister station tnt at 6:00 eastern, so tune in. this weekend, already off to an amazing start thanks to mac mcclung. he was the first g-leaguer to participate in the dunk contest. he put on an all-time performance. he had the entire arena going crazy. he had three perfect dunks, including a spinning dunk at the end to win it.
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mcclung grew up in a town in virginia just 2,000 people. he's trying to latch onto an nba team. i asked him, how does it feel to go from obscurity to the 2023 slam dunk champion? >> i feel a lot of gratitude. i had a lot of help. it was a blessing. it's really cool, man. i'll be able to tell my kids and brag about it one day. but the goal is to play in the nba. i'm very hungry and i'm resilient. so i'm going to keep working. >> michael jordan, kobe bryant, vince carter, mac mcclung. how does it feel to have your name amongst those greats? >> i don't think it's all set in yet. i feel like i was out there for 30 seconds, but i'm grateful. >> reporter: he got signed by the 76ers this past week, jim. i know a lot of people are going to be rooting for him, hoping he latches on. he said, you know what? if they invite me back next
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year, i would be happy to come back and defend it. >> great stuff. joe biden is about to go to the war step of putin's war on ukraine. you're live in the cnn newsroom. 24 hours later when your dishwasher is full,l, let finish quantum clclean your dishes. if the stains aren't gone, your lasagna is on f finish. can we even afford this house? maybe jacob can finally get a job. the house whisperer! this house says use to see homes in your budget. you're staying in school, jacob! to each their home. need to be at your best? you need an antiperspirant that goes beyond. introducing new dove men with 72h protection plus care for your skin. so you can forget about your underarms and focus on being unforgettable. new dove men forgettable underarms, unforgettable you. ♪ well, the stock is bubbling in the pot ♪ ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crash ] when owning a small business gets real,
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